Making the decision to end a marriage is not to be taken lightly whether you have children together, substantial property, or virtually nothing. Once you have made that momentous decision, however, it’s time for another one. Do you need to hire a family law attorney? The answer is almost always yes, but it’s important to discuss why.
First let’s talk about what a family law attorney will do for you. They will explain your rights and help you understand your options. This is particularly important in situations where there are minor children or significant assets such as property, investment accounts, and businesses that cannot easily be liquidated and divided, or significant debts that need to be addressed.
If the divorce is contested, that is where the parties disagree about the reasons for the divorce or divorce issues, a family attorney is going to be very helpful in navigating the contested issues and ensuring fairness and accountability. If the divorce is uncontested or uncomplicated without children or substantial property, you may not need a divorce attorney. However, it is still advisable to talk with a family law attorney to confirm what level of representation you need.
Once you have decided to hire a family law attorney, what should you look for when hiring one? It is critical that your attorney is well versed and experienced in Texas family law. A seasoned practitioner is invaluable when it comes to family law matters. Your family law attorney should be able to explain the process to you step-by-step, how it will affect your individual case, and advise you of your options at each step. Finally, they should be focused on ensuring that you get the best possible outcome for you.