Marra Gad is 50-year-old mixed-race Jewish women. She wrote a book called “The Color of Love: A Story of a Mixed-Race Jewish Girl” about the prejudices she experienced growing up and throughout her life.
Marra was born to an unwed white Jewish mother at age 19, and her biological father was African American. Marra was adopted by a white Jewish family in Chicago when she was 3 days old. She was treated differently by members of her own family. She was told she wasn’t white enough or black enough to fit into either race. When her Great-Aunt Nettie, who treated her poorly, was stuck in a nursing home in California, Marra made regular trips to see and take care of her, and eventually was able to bring her back to Chicago to live out her final days.
Friends saw her speak at the Reform Jewish Biennial in 2019, and she was treated like “the help” by several staff members at the hotel, and was spoken down to by members of congregations attending the convention.
Despite the challenges she faced, Marra became an inspiration to Black and Jewish women alike.
Her book won the 2020 Midwest Book Award. Learn more about Marra Gad here.