Our client, Keela Young, has responded to the COVID-19 crisis in an amazing and personal way. Here is her story:
“On April 10, the San Antonio Express-News ran an article about the 10,000 people who showed up at a San Antonio Food Bank distribution event the day before. The Food Bank was overwhelmed by the need of local citizens, and excerpts from the article, as well as photos of the event, made international news. At that point,
I looked for a way to help, and found out about the organization’s Food & Fund Drive.
I registered to participate that day, and the following Monday my husband and I picked up two food barrels, one for the Food Bank, and another for DaisyCares, a local nonprofit that provides free food and veterinary care for needy pets. We also started a secure online campaign for those who prefer to make cash donations. Our campaign began on April 14, and runs through April 27.
We made our first delivery of 344 pounds of food on Monday, April 20. My neighbors, friends, and colleagues responded multiple times a day with drop-offs of full grocery bags. Also, by that date we had raised $900 in cash donations online, some from friends as far away as Florida and Maryland.
This has made me really proud to be a San Antonian, a place where we truly take care of each other.”
Our whole team is proud to have clients like Keela who are going above and beyond during these difficult times. If you have a story about you, your business, your employees, etc., please share it with us on our Facebook page or by emailing Katy Corrigan at kcorrigan@langleybanack.com.